What is Ankle Arthritis?
Learn more about the symptoms of ankle arthritis and the distraction process. This conservative treatment has been very effective in Dr. Rozbruch's hands.
Meet the Doctors
Meet Dr. Robert Rozbruch and Dr. Austin Fragomen of the Hospital for Special Surgery. This short documentary explores the origin of the Institute for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction.
Ankle Distraction
Watch a presentation by Dr. Robert Rozbruch on Ankle Distraction featuring multiple patient case studies.
Patient Education
Watch videos and find helpful resources on pre-operative education, preparing for surgery, and post-surgery physical therapy.
Surgical Techniques
Learn more about the ankle distraction process and procedures.
PreOp Education
In this video, Dr. Robert Rozbruch gives information and answers pre-operative questions about ankle distraction surgery.
Ankle Distraction at Hospital for Special Surgery
Dr. Rozbruch's results have been very good. One year after surgery 90% of patients feel much better than before the surgery and are happy they did the procedure. Patients typically see increased joint space, improved density of subchondral bone, and resolution of subchondral cysts. In summary, with ankle distraction surgery you can expect to see reversal of arthritis, diminished pain, and improved mobility in our patients.